Fridolin Blumer
Fridolin Blumer (*1984 in Zurich) is a bassist, improviser and interpreter who...
Maximilian Ehrhardt
Maximilian Ehrhardt was born in Tettnang (Germany). He studied modern harp with...
1956年福岡に生まれ、幼年期はクラッシック音楽に親しむ。国立音楽大学声楽科卒業後1980年オランダに渡り、ハーグ王立音楽院にて古楽を学び始める。在学中よりステュワート博士の率いるア・カペラの第一ソプラノとして、ポリフォニー音楽、グレゴリア聖歌の豊富な経験を積む。一方、佐藤豊彦の率いる古楽アンサンブル「アルバ・ムジカ・きょう」のヴォーカリストとしてヨーロッパ各地、カナダの国際フェスティヴァルに参加。’83年文化交流使節としてカナダ横断ツアー、’85年ザルツブルグ・モーツァルテイムにてラジオ生演奏を行い、浸透性のある声と繊細な表現テクニックを高く評価される。以後約25年、ヨーロッパを中心に古楽のスペシャリストとして活動。その間CDダウランドとパーセル作曲「二人のオルフェウス」、「佐藤豊彦作品集」、「ランディーニとその時代」、「マショーとその時代」、「シェイクスピア時代の音楽」、「出島のオランダ音楽」、「初期イタリアバロック」、日本歌曲・古謡「東雲のうた」を録音。 2002年帰国後は自らのルーツを探り、西洋と日本の融合をテーマにプロジェクトを展開。2011年CD「黒船の古歌」、2016年佐藤豊彦作曲「幽玄」、2018年伊福部昭「ギリヤークソング」をリリース。baobabとの共演によって生まれたアルバム「うつろい - Songs of my Land」が2024年3月にリリース。現在熊本県荒尾市在住。
Lee Santana
Lee Santana was born into a musicians’ family in Sarasota/Florida. As a...
Michel Godard
Born near Belfort (France) in 1960, Michel Godard soon established himself as...
Catalina Vicens
Praised by the international press as one of the most interesting musicians...
Nataša Mirkovic
Originally from Bosnia-Herzegovina, the singer and actress Nataša Mirković first studied musicology...
Petter Udland Johansen
Petter Udland Johansen was born in Oslo Norway, where he received his...
Arianna Savall
Arianna Savall, who was born in Basle (Switzerland) in 1972 into a...
Thimios Atzakas
Thimios Atzakas was born in Thessaloniki in 1971. He studied classical guitar...
Gyöngy Erödi
The Hungarian-born cellist and baroque cellist Gyöngy Erödi performs throughout Europe, the...
Rebecca Stewart
Dr. Rebecca Stewart is a singer and (ethno)musicologist who specializes in the...
Anne Hytta
Anne Hytta, born in 1974 in sauland in southeast norway and currently...
Elise Neumann
Elise Neumann, born in Rostock, received her first cello lessons from the...
Richard Resch
The German tenor, Richard Resch, received his first musical education with the...
Cristian Gutiérrez
Cristian was born in Santiago, Chile, where he studied with the maestro...
Theodora Baka
Born in Greece, she began her musical studies there. Later she continued...
Gerald Stempfel
Gerald Stempfel studied in Nuremberg, Amsterdam and Basel: recorder with Ulrike Volkhardt,...
Alina Rotaru
Alina Rotaru studied piano and choral conducting at the music academy in...
Viktor Töpelmann
Inspired by the 18th-century ideal of joining “head, heart and hand” Viktor...
Corina Marti
Corina Marti’s performances have been praised as “strikingly superior and expressive” (Toccata)...
Hirundo Maris
In 2009, within the enchanting city of Basel, Switzerland, Arianna Savall and...
Ex Silentio
The ensemble specializes on early music from South Europe and the Mediterranean...
Viviane Hasler
Swiss soprano Viviane Hasler works as a freelancer. She is particularly interested...
David Chevallier
David Chevallier studied classical guitar before turning to jazz as a self-taught...
Alexander Gergelyfi
Born in Linz on the Danube, Alexander Gergelyfi studied harpsichord, historical keyboard...
Nadine Henrichs
Nadine Henrichs (*1984) received her first violin lessons at the age of...