コレクション: Theodora Baka
Born in Greece, she began her musical studies there. Later she continued at the Music Academy of Hannover where she studied Opera and chamber music with Prof. Norma Enns, Kitsa Damassioti, Elke Seele and Giovanni Anaya.
THeodora Baka has sung in many theaters operas by Mozart, Händel, Vivaldi, Monteverdi, Rameau under the direction of Alan Curtis (Il Complesso barocco), George Petrou, Theodor Currentzis (Musica Eterna), Markellos Chryssicos (Latinitas Nostra). She is active with the chamber music ensembles Duo Cancion and Erato as well as with early music ensembles Ex Silentio, Atalante and United Continuo Service in concerts and festivals in Europe and the U.S. She has recorded operas by Händel and D. Scarlatti under the direction of A. Curtis and G. Petrou for the labels MDG and Archive and CDs with Greek songs “Myrtate”, Du Fay’ music “Nell’ autunno di Bisanzio” with Ex Silentio and roman baroque composers “Lamentarium: Relique di Roma” with Atalante.